While I was staying late at the office today, I happened across a little video that a numerous amount of my friends have been posting to their profiles. Some video that advertises "The TRUTH about fast food, and how after seeing this video, you will NEVER eat McDonalds' again." I've seen SUPER SIZE ME, and once, I even thought about picking up "Fast Food Nation", but I looked at the cover and decided I needed a BK Double Stacker pronto. But I digress. I like to enjoy my fast food on a pretty regular basis, seeing as how I have a job with long hours and where I could be making more money collecting unemployment, I don't get to make home cooked meals that often. My curiosity piqued, I decided to check out the video. It depicts some guy with a handlebar mustache, who i can only assume stopped hitting on co-eds in seedy bars for just long enough to compose this video, placing various McDonalds' products into glass jars and letting them decompose over the course of 10 weeks. To provide a control group, he also uses a burger and fries from a "regular burger joint" to see how they decompose as well.
Over the course of the video, you get to watch the various stages of the food's decomposition, and see all the mold grow on the burgers and what have you. Of course the fries miraculously don't look any different 10 weeks later, which to be honest, don't surprise me, seeing as how if you let them sit for more than an hour, they tend to harden into objects you could use level out that table in your living room that doesn't seem to sit quite right. Oh yeah - and he throws out the control group burger and fries like 4 or 5 weeks in, "because the intern couldn't take the smell."
At the end of this video, you're supposed to be so grossed out that you don't EVER WANT TO EAT FAST FOOD AGAIN. Except, its a failure on multiple levels:
-I don't know where he got the idea to place fast food into glass jars that aren't airtight to watch them decompose. You could make an equally gross video using any kind of food. Plus I have no idea why you would subject yourself to 10 weeks of awful awful smelling food in your office. I would laugh my ass off if everyone in that office came down with Typhoid, just from the health hazard all the bacteria on the food.
-What exactly does this prove? That if our stomachs broke food down using nothing but air, we would run out of room in our stomachs rather quickly? If only our bodies had some sort of digestive tract - some way to break down all different kinds of food, and process as much of it as possible in a rough 24 hour period... Next time? put a half chewed gum in one of those jars as well.
-I'm pretty sure anyone who watches this video isn't going to stop eating fast food. Why? Because most of us have been enjoying McD's or one of its many equivalents for years. We know how bad the food is, we know where it comes from, and most importantly, we know its goddamned tasty. If I wanted a burger that was hand-made with all the love and care that should go into a burger, I would go get one.
This isn't an educational video, it's just an exercise in stupidity. If you wanna really be grossed out, just go watch the infamous "Two Girls, One Cup" and save yourself about 3 minutes. I also want to know where this yahoo works where he not only has an intern to mix his roofies before he goes out at night and to throw out moldy fast food, but is also able to just let food decompose right out in the open. For 2.5 months. Stay tuned for this guys's sequel video, where he feeds Happy Meal toys to squirrels, in order to show how harmful the plastic in the toys is to our American youth.
If you are indeed curious about seeing the video, here it is below. Honestly though? If you want a video to drive you away from eating fast food, just rent SUPER SIZE ME. Or if you want to sound intellectual, read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle."